From the president

It seems like we still have nectar coming in but that it peaked in early June. Swarming pretty much stopped in my apiaries then. We’re not done making honey yet but we have most of what we’ll have this year I think. What do you think? I think I’m going to do OK with Honey but last year was probably better.

But the big news is that we’re going to postpone the Summer Solstice Picnic because the Summer Solstice is trying to kill us this year. This kind of behavior is much more typical of the Winter Solstice. You expect a hostile environment then. But this summer between killing heat indexes and forecast thunderstorms it makes sense to put it off a week. Or more. We have not found a venue for the rescheduled event, so stay tuned.

I’m also trying something new on the communications front.

We’re going to try to send this thing out weekly on Tuesdays. I will write a note like this every week and all upcoming events and any new posts will be featured. We’d love to have anyone write for the web site who would like to do so. Let us know if you have ideas.

As to the queens above…I’m giving them away for free. Go over to my personal site and contact me if you want any of them. They’re my survivor stock, and free. They aren’t huge but ‘legit’ as Jeff told me once. Anyway, the price is right. I’ll have cells or virgins until some time next week.

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